Unbelievable, what bonding DSL, UMTS and LTE makes possible
E-Learning sped up
Slow Internet speeds and frequent outages were the major hurdles stopping Emmanuel Anglican College (EAC) from transitioning to a digital learning platform. Situated in Ballina in northern NSW, EAC’s regional location meant the school was literally positioned at the very end of serviceable ADSL, meaning connectivity was extremely cumbersome and unreliable. To achieve the school’s goals of enabling online learning for their students, EAC turned to Viprinet and their Australasian partner Wired Sky for the solution.
Connecting regional offices and ships
Connecting offices all over the world and meeting increasing demands for bandwidth and reliable access to mission critical applications is a common challenge for modern global corporations. Because their network infrastructure has developed over the course of their growth, many of them still rely on expensive, low capacity MPLS lines. Sonardyne, a pioneer in providing maritime sensing services for over forty years, is replacing an existing MPLS infrastructure with a robust Viprinet VPN solution for interoffice and mobile communications. This UK corporation, headquartered in Yateley, Hampshire, has remote offices in Brazil, Singapore, and the USA, as well as several research and development ships. Interoffice and mobile communications are critical to their operations. Their regional offices increasingly depend on access to centralized ERP and CRM systems, and their ships need reliable and continuous connectivity, especially to accurately report GPS correction data in a timely fashion.
Internet for recovery
Denmark is the leading European country when it comes to using eHealth infrastructures. Especially concerning the treatment of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Denmark makes use of a trendsetting telemonitoring system for monitoring and treatment of COPD patients in their own home. This way, about 40% of treatment costs can be saved compared to stationary hospital stays. Another important aspect is the comprehensive monitoring of all relevant data via the Internet. If this monitoring is not guaranteed, sudden exacerbation of the patient‘s condition cannot be treated fast enough. The COPD telemonitoring solution developed by Viewcare in cooperation with Danish Viprinet partner Sharecon is one of the most up-to-date of its kind, and stands out by its extremely high availability.