Unbelievable, what bonding DSL, UMTS and LTE makes possible
Mobile radio broadcasting in Norway
Outdoor live broadcasts from remote areas are generally considered the ultimate test of mobile network solutions. Industry requirements for these kinds of deployments include many challenging features, all of which come with the expectation of low operational costs: ample bandwidth, continuous uptime, low latency, and quick, simple set-up. P4 Radio, Norway’s leading private radio station has nearly a 25% market share, a million daily listeners, covers many tours, and frequently broadcasts from remote locations. To meet their exacting standards, they deploy Viprinet technology for mobile and remote connectivity.
Online worldwide
As a world-class spice manufacturer, the Moguntia Food Group dares the difficult balancing act between tradition and modernity. Corporate ethics and quality standards are time-honored, while recipes and production technology are state-of-the-art. In order to remain competitive at all times, the Moguntia Food Group invested in its corporate network at an early stage in order to be able to connect all locations via terminal servers. This also enables central production control, which in turn requires a highly secure, round-the-clock Internet connection. For this purpose, the Moguntia Food Group turned to Viprinet.
Bringing call centers online
Reliable telecommunication systems are vital for each and every company - being unavailable and therefore unable to respond to inquiries means losing turnover. This is especially true for call centers and their business model based entirely on communication. So in this line of business reliability is of highest significance, particularly because communication channels require higher and higher bandwidths themselves, i.e. for video conferencing or VoiP use cases. KiKxxl, a communications provider headquartered in Osnabrück who has won a variety of awards over the years, is counting on Viprinet technology to ensure reliable internet connections for years already.