The Viprinet WANoptimizer - More Power For Your Viprinet Setup!
New firmware generation with WANoptimizer now for all Viprinet customers
Viprinet WANoptimizer is now available in the current firmware version free of charge for all Viprinet customers. This new firmware feature optimizes TCP connections in Viprinet tunnels and accelerates data transfer in your Viprinet setup by up to 300%!
In the false expectation that future operating systems would be geared towards "long fat pipes" (WAN connections that have both high bandwidths and high latencies), we stopped using part of our own invention with our RuggedVPN firmware generation in 2016: WAN/TCP optimization. This proved to be a rather bad decision, as our products do not achieve enough performance in precisely such scenarios with high bandwidths and high or fluctuating latencies.
Get the new WANoptimizer for your Viprinet setup now and benefit from three times as much throughput as before!
For what purposes is WANoptimizer suitable?
WANoptimizer delivers significant performance improvements, especially in cases where bandwidth is required with high or fluctuating latencies. This means above all scenarios with a high proportion of mobile connections such as
- Rapid Site Deployment,
- Connection of vehicles,
- Networking of sites in structurally weak areas,
- Integration of employees in the home office,
- And many more.
Every Viprinet setup that uses TCP connections is optimized and will thus become massively faster.
How does WANoptimizer work?
A standard TCP connection is initiated between sender and target and looks like this with Viprinet:
Sender– Viprinet device 1 – Viprinet device 2 – Target
To transmit data reliably, the destination must send acknowledgements of receipt to the sender. The longer this path is, the less data can be on the move at the same time. WANoptimizer now divides this long journey into three sections, each of which confirms receipt of the data and transfers it between Viprinet devices through a more efficient protocol. This means more data can be on the move at the same time and the bandwidth achieved is higher.

Where and how to get WANoptimizer?
From version 201805236/2018070900 dated July 12, 2018, the WANoptimizer is an integral part of the Viprinet firmware. Customers with active VLM subscriptions can upgrade their Viprinet devices to the latest firmware version of WANoptimizer completely free of charge. In addition, all devices are now shipped from the factory with WANoptimizer activated.
The WANoptimizer is activated via QoS classes:
- In the web interface select VPN Tunnels --> ‘Tunnel Name’ --> QoS Traffic classes.
- Click on the desired QoS class.
- For “WAN Optimization”, select the “TCPOptimization” option and save.
For the classes “Secure Websurfing (HTTPS)”, “Websurfing (HTTP)”, “Bulk Traffic” and “RTMP Video Streaming” the function is already activated by default after the firmware installation.
Some products will not benefit from WANoptimizer, such as Multichannel VPN Routers 1610 and 300, as they do not support WANoptimizer due to their hardware performance.
That's why we’ll make all customers of these routers a crazy summer offer:
Special Trade-In Offer on WANoptimizer Start: "One-Time Offer: Old to New"
Better and faster has never been easier!
Viprinet WANoptimizer is now available free of charge in the current firmware version for all Viprinet customers. This new firmware feature optimizes TCP connections in Viprinet tunnels and accelerates data transfer in your Viprinet setup by up to 300%!
The Viprinet Multichannel VPN Router 1610, launched in 2010, and the Viprinet Multichannel VPN Router 300, launched in 2009, unfortunately no longer benefit from these advantages of the WANoptimizer.
Our goal, however, is that all Viprinet routers that are active in the market provide the best possible performance in their respective application scenarios.
We therefore offer all Viprinet customers with
- Viprinet Multichannel VPN Routers 300 and/or
- Viprinet Multichannel VPN Routers 1610
the following once-only trade-in:
1) 40% discount on the RRP for orders placed before July 20, 2018:
- Get a Viprinet Multichannel VPN Router 310 for EUR 1,014 (RRP: EUR 1,690) and/or
- Get a Viprinet Multichannel VPN Router 2620 for EUR 1,794 (RRP: EUR 2,990)
To ensure immediate delivery, this offer is limited to the first 25 incoming orders. After receiving your new device, please send us your old device within one week.
2) 25% discount on the RRP for orders placed before August 10, 2018:
- Get a Viprinet Multichannel VPN Router 310 for EUR 1,268 and/or
- Get a Viprinet Multichannel VPN Router 2620 for EUR 2,243
In both cases, VLM days still available on an old device are transferred to the new device when a corresponding VLM license is concluded. The special trade-in offer does not apply to goods in distributors’ stocks.
We're here for you!
Take the chance and switch to the current hardware and firmware generation of Viprinet. Better and faster has never been easier!
Don't hesitate and contact your Viprinet sales partner or us directly today:
VPN Innovations GmbH
Sales Team
+49 6721 49030-100
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