Unbelievable, what bonding DSL, UMTS and LTE makes possible

While in the past, connectivity solutions were especially fit for classic corporate networks with several sites, a distinctly increasing number of applications nowadays need a highly reliable broadband connection, e.g. project management for construction sites, live video transmissions of broadcasting companies, and also new products of Internet Service Providers. Frank Ruge, Chief Sales Officer at Viprinet, provides insight into the manifold fields of application for Viprinet technology which can be configured flexibly for each usage scenario owing to its modularity.

Also, feel free to visit the download section of our website and download our whitepaper on the topic "Viprinet for business-critical applications" in order to learn in how many diverse industries Viprinet has already been successfully deployed.

Bonding as a key to many fields of application

Time and again, we are surprised in which fields of application our routers, hubs and services can be used. We already have a lot of imagination concerning what can be done with a Multichannel VPN Router - our customers astonish us yet again. Viprinet has evolved from a supplier of equipment in classic site networking business to a specialist for the integration of stationary and mobile units into corporate networks and the Internet.

To really be able to offer the right solution for every application, Viprinet supports - as sole provider worldwide - the bonding of a wide variety of WAN media, such as DSL, UMTS / 3G, LTE / 4G, cable, satellite and WiMAX, either with native modems (DSL, 3G / UMTS / HSPA+, CDMA, 4G / LTE), or via Ethernet. Only by this diversity - in conjunction with the unique principle of Viprinet bonding - can you complete all WAN connectivity tasks using a single technology. Below, we have compiled the most important WAN application areas - feel free to check whether you can find the WAN networking solution you need. If not, ask our experts - they live to meet challenges.


Replacing MPLS in two countries

For many companies, replacing an existing Internet connection is a difficult step. In many cases, decision makers prefer accepting the shortcomings of an established system to the complex task of a full reorganization. Yet, such a step frequently leads to improvement in quality and to cost reductions, as can be exemplified by the TISA AG. The Swiss transportation company with its headquarters in Widnau in the Canton of St. Gallen has replaced its existing MPLS network for five sites, four of them in Switzerland and one in Austria, by a Viprinet solution – with exclusively positive effects.

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Rapid Aid For Stroke Patients

Time is vital for stroke patients, in order to minimize long-term medical consequential damages. It is therefore of greatest importance for stroke patients that all therapeutic medical procedures start as early as possible. Preferably in the ambulance while it is already on its way to the hospital. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research sponsored a development project of the so-called ASTER – Acute Stroke Telematics Platform for Ambulances for which Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg in cooperation with Johanniter Unfallhilfe jointly developed an ambulance. All important devices may now be controlled via a single web-based user interface. This enables the transmission of diagnostic information including live video images directly to the medical experts. Emergency patients may be pre-registered at the desired hospital and in addition, an exchange between the location of the hospital and the situation on the streets is enabled via a fleet control system.

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Live Broadcasting from Everywhere

In the broadcasting industry, ISDN connections have been used for years for setting up reliable audio connections. Many broadcasters are hesitating to move replace their well-known and stable solution, mainly out of fear of quality problems when relying on poor broadband connections, as well as whether the connection happens to drop. Low bandwidth and packet loss as associated with mobile connections will have a strongly negative effect on the quality of the audio transmission, and reduce the joy of listening to the radio. To prevent that, Qmusic, one of the leading Dutch commercial radio stations with about 2.5 million people weekly tuning in, deploys a Viprinet WAN bonding solution for all their offsite broadcasting. They use Viprinet technology to bond several 4G mobile phone networks to get a solid audio connection to their studio in Amsterdam. Here’s why and how:

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