Never be offline again!
Established in 2006. Partners in many countries. Constantly growing. These are three facts about Viprinet telling a lot, but probably not enough. To make it easier for you to get to know us, we've collected some data about the company's history and its founder's career. We are rightly so, as we think - proud that only our Multichannel VPN Routers and Hubs create fast and reliable virtual private networks that can be deployed anywhere in the world; our products also make sure that you will "Never be offline again!" Read on the following pages how we came to be who we are and what caused us to develop and sell the Viprinet principle. There, you'll also find the most important numbers and facts regarding Viprinet and our CEO, Simon Kissel.
Viprinet and Security
With Viprinet, you can connect your company sites securely with each other because our routers bond several reasonably priced consumer media like ADSL, UMTS/3G, or LTE/4G together. Here, the data is encrypted and divided up onto the different links. Owing to this risk distribution onto several access networks, your site-to-site connection also becomes highly reliable, at low running costs – and even in the most remote areas or in mobile usage scenarios. Learn here why you can unconditionally trust us and our products.
Viprinet vs Multipath TCP
With Multipath TCP, a new technology is developing at the moment that will surely be used for several applications in the future. Find out here why it will still be better to connect your company sites with Viprinet for the next years.
Here you can find all press releases Viprinet has ever published.