We help business ISPs with new business models
Being an ISP is tough business. The prices are down, differentiation from competitors is hard, the costs increase rather than they fall. What options do troubled business ISPs have left now? The answer is as simple as obvious: New Connectivity Products must be found to occupy the niches that large ISPs can not fill. Read on the webpage dealing with Business ISPs, how Viprinet ennobles consumer WAN connections, and thus makes it possible for business ISPs to, by bonding several similar or different WAN media, distinguish themselves from the big ISPs and earn good money again.

Broadband M2M and SCADA: Machines also want to see better
M2M is the application are for mobile units granted the highest growth rates in the field of ICT in the next 5 years. "Normal" M2M does not require high bandwidth. However, as not everything is normal, there are M2M applications requiring e.g. high quality multimedia transmissions - sometimes in places where no powerful network connectivity is available. With SCADA, the focus lies on security aspects. The webpage on Broadband M2M and SCADA provides more information about solutions Viprinet offers as broadband M2M pioneer for even the toughest application tasks.

Mobile telemedicine and eHealth
When someone suddenly falls ill or is injured in an accident, they aren't necessarily within reach of the best medical treatment. Thus, important decisions may often not be made promptly, causing high health risks for patients and risks of enormous expenses for insurance carriers. On our topic page Mobile telemedicine and eHealth, you can find out how a permanent broadband connection of ambulances or patients' apartments lowers health risks and increases the quality of treatment.

Communication is everything - Unified Communications is communication
Flexibility in the structure and ensuring work-life balance for all employees ar the key features organizations need to achieve and to sustain to be able to maintain their innovation and competitiveness. One essential factor here is a communications infrastructure that can adequately replace personal contact. Unified Communications is the keyword, multimedia is the content and high bandwidth at each place is the demand. On the webpage about Unified Communications, you can find information on why Viprinet is the best enabler for Unified Communications infrastructures, which are supposed to work outside the corporate network as well.

Situation assessment and monitoring of objects / individuals
Well, Viprinet helps with performing sovereign tasks, to be exact. Whether it be mobile traffic monitoring to identify accident black spots, visually supported coordination of on-site emergency services in fires, disasters or accidents, or the treatment of distant patients through combined video, audio and data conferencing: Viprinet always helps. On the webpage concerning situation assessment by video monitoring, you can find information on how it is possible to ensure reliable, fast and secure connection of police, fire and ambulance services to their respective control rooms using Viprinet bonding.

Video Streaming: The world here and now
Today, being up-to-date means everything. Whether it be news or event coverage or monitoring tasks: The just-in-time broadcast of moving pictures in high quality is indispensable. Unfortunately, events show no respect to how good the WAN link is on site; sometimes the place of action even change cyclically or permanently. This is obviously a case for Viprinet: Video streaming is an application for which we have even designed a special bonding method.

Broadband Internet in vehicles
Connecting immobile things like an office in a building can be already tricky enough, depending on the network coverage. The connection of small, self-propelled business units however - also known as vehicles - additionally requires tremendous experience and know-how in the field of WAN connection and bonding. Visit the mobile hotspots in carswebpage and learn which difficulties in the linkage of (moving) vehicles have to be overcome, and why Viprinet offers the most powerful vehicle connections worldwide.

Site-to-site VPNs: Economic bandwidth for everyone
Imagine the following: You take over or establish a new branch office. Transport connection: top. Experts on site: present in sufficient number. Buildings and real estates: just perfect. And then, after moving, it strikes you badly: only 2 Mbps bandwidth for all data traffic. Read on the webpage concerning site-to-site VPNs how to solve these and other site-to-site connection tasks economically using Viprinet