Viprinet - better than Load Balancing | License Activation

Viprinet License Activation

The Viprinet system consists of at least one Multichannel VPN Router establishing an encrypted VPN tunnel through all available access lines to a central receiver, a Multichannel VPN Hub.

However, there are a lot of fields of application where simple site networking is not enough. For these cases, we offer additional functions which again have to be activated via licenses.

On this webpage, you may thus find short descriptions for the activation of each license type as well as detailed how-tos as PDF files.

If you wish to test optional router features, you may generate a free 30 days trial license at using the Trial Token listed in the web interface of your product under Product Features License Manager – Status. The generated license will activate all optional features of your device for a period of four weeks. It may be extended once using the web server, but afterwards the license remains locked for a month. Please note that at the end of the trial phase, your device will automatically reboot.

Our how-tos for those in a hurry

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