Rapid Aid For Stroke Patients

Time is vital for stroke patients, in order to minimize long-term medical consequential damages. It is therefore of greatest importance for stroke patients that all therapeutic medical procedures start as early as possible. Preferably in the ambulance while it is already on its way to the hospital. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research sponsored a development project of the so-called ASTER – Acute Stroke Telematics Platform for Ambulances for which Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg in cooperation with Johanniter Unfallhilfe jointly developed an ambulance. All important devices may now be controlled via a single web-based user interface. This enables the transmission of diagnostic information including live video images directly to the medical experts. Emergency patients may be pre-registered at the desired hospital and in addition, an exchange between the location of the hospital and the situation on the streets is enabled via a fleet control system.

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Online worldwide

As a world-class spice manufacturer, the Moguntia Food Group dares the difficult balancing act between tradition and modernity. Corporate ethics and quality standards are time-honored, while recipes and production technology are state-of-the-art. In order to remain competitive at all times, the Moguntia Food Group invested in its corporate network at an early stage in order to be able to connect all locations via terminal servers. This also enables central production control, which in turn requires a highly secure, round-the-clock Internet connection. For this purpose, the Moguntia Food Group turned to Viprinet.

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Connecting a North Sea island

The island of Wangerooge in the German North Sea is not only a good place for travelers or sea birds. Here, the Institute of Oceanography of the University of Hamburg operates a measuring station for the WERA-system to monitor surface current velocities, ocean wave height and wind with the help of HF radar waves at different places at the North Sea. As the station was installed in 2009, the carrier attached great importance to a reliable data transfer. Moreover, the new technology should provide steady remote access for maintenance operations. Thus, a Viprinet solution was chosen.

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Building-Sites Online From Day One

Nowadays, fast and reliable Internet access for construction sites may be a decisive factor for the success of the project just as much as the energy supply is. Providing construction sites with DSL is hardly ever possible, as it is either not available at all, proves to be uneconomical for the investor, or because laying wires takes too long. Especially during larger projects it is of utmost importance to have direct access to the architect’s plans at any time, to information relating to the technical building equipment, or to safety features. General contractor Köster GmbH from Osnabrück, Northern Germany, put special emphasis on the project and local site management to have access to the IT tools developed by the company itself over the past few years which are used to reliably steer process control. That’s why Köster GmbH chose a Viprinet solution.

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Getting On Board And Online

Luxurious river cruises require not only impressive logistics but also an extensive understanding of customers’ needs. Especially in the five-star segment, it’s no longer enough to provide star-cuisine, exquisite bedding and well-balanced leisure activities. Customers also demand to get online whenever they choose, via the same broadband Internet they’re used to at home or at work and keep in touch with family and friends or their coworkers via emails, photos, video conferences, but also use video-on-demand services etc. As leading network-independent connectivity specialist in the field of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication, M2MBlue is an expert when it comes to providing river cruise vessels and super yachts with the broadband connectivity they desire. And here’s why M2MBlue counts on Viprinet technology to help fulfill these high-speed demands.

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Internet for every contingency

One second of inattentiveness is enough to risk a major fire. The fire brigade rush to the place of the incident, and soon, questions arise: Are enough fire fighters present? Are we equipped with the right tools? Which chemicals need to be neutralized? These are questions for experts which are best kept in the command center to be available for more than one emergency team. However, only talking about the scene and describing the difficulties is fairly unfeasible, so emergency services need a stable and reliable mobile Internet connection that is suitable for video streaming regardless of location as well as of eventual bystanders calling or texting friends and family. Incendium, a Danish live streaming company, meets these demands by using Viprinet technology.

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Industrial park going broadband

The industrial park in Seligenporten near Nuremberg, Germany, actually has everything a tradesman needs: The highway A9 is less than three kilometers away; the major city Nuremberg is just around the corner, and all infrastructure needed for living and working already exists – except a powerful Internet connection. The enterprises in this industrial park have to cope with a 2 Mbps connection, and none of the regional telecommunications providers plans to change that anytime soon – unless of course the local companies contribute EUR 250,000 to the total development costs. Understandably so, this is out of the question for small and medium-sized businesses. One company, however, has become a pioneer in regards to using alternative technologies by successfully relying on Viprinet: OM Klebetechnik.

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Connected for unlimited creativity

The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus is a non-profit state-of-the-art mobile audio and HD video recording and production facility.

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E-Learning sped up

Slow Internet speeds and frequent outages were the major hurdles stopping Emmanuel Anglican College (EAC) from transitioning to a digital learning platform. Situated in Ballina in northern NSW, EAC’s regional location meant the school was literally positioned at the very end of serviceable ADSL, meaning connectivity was extremely cumbersome and unreliable. To achieve the school’s goals of enabling online learning for their students, EAC turned to Viprinet and their Australasian partner Wired Sky for the solution.

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Saving lives by remote diagnosis

Early and appropriate treatment in medical emergencies can save lives and minimize long-term harm. Ideally, treatment should start in the ambulance while it is on its way to the hospital. Furthermore, if the patient has a potentially serious condition, directing them to the appropriate hospital and unit is also vital, so the medical team there can ensure that the necessary treatment resources are available. This is where telemedicine and eHealth solutions come into play. Transmitting relevant patient data like physiological parameters to specialists in the hospital, and making it possible for the ambulance crew to stream high-definition video from the ambulance facilitates major improvements in patient care. Falck Group, a leading
Nordic-based health solution company with a global presence in 45 countries, has equipped ambulances in Denmark with Viprinet technology to enable the transmission of diagnostic information including live video images directly to medical professionals.​

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Replacing MPLS in two countries

For many companies, replacing an existing Internet connection is a difficult step. In many cases, decision makers prefer accepting the shortcomings of an established system to the complex task of a full reorganization. Yet, such a step frequently leads to improvement in quality and to cost reductions, as can be exemplified by the TISA AG. The Swiss transportation company with its headquarters in Widnau in the Canton of St. Gallen has replaced its existing MPLS network for five sites, four of them in Switzerland and one in Austria, by a Viprinet solution – with exclusively positive effects.

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Connecting regional offices and ships

Connecting offices all over the world and meeting increasing demands for bandwidth and reliable access to mission critical applications is a common challenge for modern global corporations. Because their network infrastructure has developed over the course of their growth, many of them still rely on expensive, low capacity MPLS lines. Sonardyne, a pioneer in providing maritime sensing services for over forty years, is replacing an existing MPLS infrastructure with a robust Viprinet VPN solution for interoffice and mobile communications. This UK corporation, headquartered in Yateley, Hampshire, has remote offices in Brazil, Singapore, and the USA, as well as several research and development ships. Interoffice and mobile communications are critical to their operations. Their regional offices increasingly depend on access to centralized ERP and CRM systems, and their ships need reliable and continuous connectivity, especially to accurately report GPS correction data in a timely fashion.

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Internet for recovery

Denmark is the leading European country when it comes to using eHealth infrastructures. Especially concerning the treatment of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Denmark makes use of a trendsetting telemonitoring system for monitoring and treatment of COPD patients in their own home. This way, about 40% of treatment costs can be saved compared to stationary hospital stays. Another important aspect is the comprehensive monitoring of all relevant data via the Internet. If this monitoring is not guaranteed, sudden exacerbation of the patient‘s condition cannot be treated fast enough. The COPD telemonitoring solution developed by Viewcare in cooperation with Danish Viprinet partner Sharecon is one of the most up-to-date of its kind, and stands out by its extremely high availability.

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Mobile radio broadcasting in Norway

Outdoor live broadcasts from remote areas are generally considered the ultimate test of mobile network solutions. Industry requirements for these kinds of deployments include many challenging features, all of which come with the expectation of low operational costs: ample bandwidth, continuous uptime, low latency, and quick, simple set-up. P4 Radio, Norway’s leading private radio station has nearly a 25% market share, a million daily listeners, covers many tours, and frequently broadcasts from remote locations. To meet their exacting standards, they deploy Viprinet technology for mobile and remote connectivity.

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Small car, big Internet

Important news is broadcast from big cities; the actual event, however, often takes place in far remote areas. To report from there on an event using digital broadcasting technology can be managed only via expensive satellite technology due to lack of network coverage and bandwidth of individual providers. For that, so-called SNG (Satellite News Gathering) vehicles have to be provided which transmit video and audio signals to the respective broadcast stations via satellite links. With their mobile subcompact hotspot, tividoo, a company from Langenlonsheim, Germany, provides an efficient and economical alternative.

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Bringing call centers online

Reliable telecommunication systems are vital for each and every company - being unavailable and therefore unable to respond to inquiries means losing turnover. This is especially true for call centers and their business model based entirely on communication. So in this line of business reliability is of highest significance, particularly because communication channels require higher and higher bandwidths themselves, i.e. for video conferencing or VoiP use cases. KiKxxl, a communications provider headquartered in Osnabrück who has won a variety of awards over the years, is counting on Viprinet technology to ensure reliable internet connections for years already.

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Animal welfare with new connection

Since 1881, the Deutsche Tierschutzbund e.V. (German Animal Protection Association) endeavors to raise people‘s awareness of animal welfare. Today, this idea is more important than ever, which is why the holding organization of numerous German animal welfare groups emerged as a very modern institution with several locations. Unfortunately, the interconnection of these sites was not able to keep up with the progress of the organization. Until now, the system used so far was complicated and unadaptive to modern demands. Moreover, it was contrary to the ambition of downsizing the IT department. Here, the Viprinet technology provided the ideal solution.

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Stable Internet for Earthquake Relief

After the grave earthquake in middle Italy in October 2016, Viprinet supported Italian Institute for Geophysics and Vulcanology INGV at setting up a stable communications network in the affected region. Tragic natural catastrophes like earth quakes often leave IT and communications infrastructures destroyed or at least insufficient. In order to coordinate rescuers’ operations on site and to organize subsequent reconstruction, installing a ready-to-use communications infrastructure becomes a high priority according to disaster relief. Not only need numerous organizations, authorities, and rescuers on site to be organized, but also a communications infrastructure between the hurriedly established local situation rooms and the central offices all over Italy must be installed quickly in order to broadcast relevant data e.g. from earth quake measuring stations or drone cameras to and from the affected regions.​

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Reliable Internet for students

The THM Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, formerly Fachhochschule Gießen-Friedberg, with its three campuses continuously attracts an increasing number of students. Especially THM’s dual study programs offered by the department StudiumPlus are very much appreciated. By enlarging the campus by three additional locations, the constant growth is met structurally. However, the interconnection of the new buildings and institutes posed a notable challenge. The transferred data is in part very sensitive and extensive, which is why the connection not only has to guarantee system stability but also encrypted data transmission and high bandwidths. At the same time, running costs should stay low. To meet all these demands with only one single solution, the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen opted for the Viprinet technology.

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Live Broadcasting from Everywhere

In the broadcasting industry, ISDN connections have been used for years for setting up reliable audio connections. Many broadcasters are hesitating to move replace their well-known and stable solution, mainly out of fear of quality problems when relying on poor broadband connections, as well as whether the connection happens to drop. Low bandwidth and packet loss as associated with mobile connections will have a strongly negative effect on the quality of the audio transmission, and reduce the joy of listening to the radio. To prevent that, Qmusic, one of the leading Dutch commercial radio stations with about 2.5 million people weekly tuning in, deploys a Viprinet WAN bonding solution for all their offsite broadcasting. They use Viprinet technology to bond several 4G mobile phone networks to get a solid audio connection to their studio in Amsterdam. Here’s why and how:

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Internet 24/7 in health centers

When burnout and chronic overwork dominate the world of work, nothing could be more important than an opportunity to relax. Whether one longs for taking some time out and spoiling oneself or whether one seeks relief for already existing discomfort – the state-of-the-art health centers, specialist hospitals and hotels of Johannesbad Group offer everything necessary for curing body and soul. However, to have all relevant health data available at every site and every time, such a big enterprise needs a very powerful Internet connection providing highest reliability as well as data security. For these reasons, Johannesbad decided to use Viprinet.

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IT Connectivity in Pro Sports

Leading professional sports clubs not only is a challenge in sports itself but also needs economic success. Trouble-free processes, for instance in ticketing, and innovative digital platforms for integrating fans and sponsors ensure important sources of revenue for the club. For that, the club depends on a resilient Internet connection. German Soccer Bundesliga club 1. FSV Mainz 05 has been writing success stories in professional soccer. As modern pro sports club with creative ideas, 1. FSV Mainz 05 is using innovative solutions in order to keep up with competitors. By relying on Viprinet bonding technology, the club now has at hand a 100% resilient and encrypted Internet connection for stationary and mobile use cases.

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Reliable e-cash in 120+ stores

Buying groceries has never been easier than today: If the supermarket of your choice doesn’t have an online shop yet, at least it doesn’t require you to carry cash around; just choose the articles you need and purchase them with your credit card – the Internet makes it all possible. However, as supermarkets become more and more dependent on the Internet, their requirements regarding a powerful connection increase as well: POS systems are centralized, alarms are connected with security services, telephony is realized via VoIP; some stores even offer e-learning for their employees which can be accessed 24/7. All these applications need a reliable and high-bandwidth connection. This is why one of the largest food retailers of the Netherlands, Detailresult Group, chose to install a Viprinet solution in their stores.

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Streaming and Site-to-Site in Africa

Radio broadcasts in remote areas are tough on network solutions: They demand sufficient bandwidth, low latencies, and simple configuration. Another decisive factor are concomitant costs, especially when non-government organizations (NGOs) are concerned. Hirondelle Foundation – Media for Peace and Human Dignity is such an NGO aiming to develop and support independent and neutral media. The foundation headquarters are in Lausanne, Switzerland, while their members operate in Mail, Niger, Central Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Burma, and Tunesia. For that, Hirondelle founds radio stations in troubled regions and war zones. Each of the foundation’s stations is considered an individual project and employs mostly locals. In addition, all projects are connected to accounting in the Lausanne headquarters.

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